Transformers: Easy Tutorial

A summary of Transformer, successor to RNN Seq2Seq
Machine Learning

Rick Rejeleene


December 15, 2022

Primer on Transformer:

Anyone who has conversation about Machine Learning or AI, or is interested, can read it to understand. Transformers are a type of Machine learning model, based on variant of self-attention mechanism.

  1. Transformers replaced using, “attention” mechanism
  2. No convolutional layer or recurrent layer used in Transformer
  3. As of now – Transformers are used in state of art technology

Pre-requisite for Transformers: Engineering Math

Well, Did we think we could skip Mathematics? Do we recall our high school teacher, who stressed importance of mathematics? Many components in Machine learning are built from mathematical tools.

So - What are attention mechanisms in baby steps?

  1. We can think of them as vector of relevance in a sequence
  2. Attention Mechanisms creates a score at the end
  3. These scores, are generated dynamically at each time step, t
  4. With this, Transformers has the power to understand bi-directionality in sentence

What is the meat of transformer?

The Core part of Transformers is Attention Mechanism:

Previously, before transformers were introduced circa 2016-2017. For Sequence to Sequence tasks, meaning, convert [Tamil] to [English] task eg:“Na Veetuku Porae” [Tamil], “I house go” [English]

This is literal translation of a sentence.

The actual translation is, “I am going to house”

So, we want our translation to be as accurate as possible - right? Encoder-Decoder Architectures were primarily the leading architecture in Sequence to Sequence tasks.

In Encoder-Decoder, we had fixed vector. This limited to understand context of the sentences. So in attention, we have a context vector, in-between Encoder-Decoder What is context vector? [yellow in image]

Basically, previously we had a fixed size vector representation of encoder

Issue of this approach:

  1. That doesn’t give me information about entire sentence
  2. Each step, different information from sentence is relevant So, Solution: “Attention Mechanism”
  3. At each step, attention mechanism allows model to focus on different parts

At each decoder step, 1) Receive input, decoder state h(t) and all encoder states s(1), s(2)… s(m) 2) Compute a score for Attention, 3) At each encoder state, s(k), compute relevance for decoder state h(t) 4) Apply attention function, meaning, (receive one decoder state, and one encoder state) 5) Return a scalar value, score(h[t], s[k]) 6) Compute Attention Weight, which is a probability distribution 7) Compute Attention Output, weighted sum of encoder state with attention weight

Engineering Attention Mechanism [know-how]:

How to generate attention mechanism?

Baby Steps in order: 1. Attention Input: [All Encoder State, S1…. Sm] and One Decoder State, H(t) 2. Attention Score: Score(h[t], s[k]), k=1….m 3. Softmax 4. Attention Weights, a subscript (k) superscript (t) = exp( score(h[t], s[k])) / Summation of i=1 to m exp(score(h[t], s[i])), k=1…m 5. Context Vector c (t) = a1 s1 + a2 s2 + …. + a(m)[t] S(m) Summation of k = 1 to m, a (k)[t] to s(k) All steps is differentiable. Intuition: Neural Network learns, which input parts are important at each step.

So, that was building block steps.

How to compute scores in Attention Mechanism? In papers, there’s Bahdanau, Luong and others. There’s variants in Attention Function scores 1. dot-product 2. bilinear function 3. multi-layer perceptron [bahdanau]

Variants in Attention Mechanism:


  1. Encoder - Bidirectional RNN There’s two RNN’s

Forward Backward

  1. Attention Score: Multi-layer perceptron Apply MLP between encoder and decoder to get attention score

  2. Attention Applied between Decoder Steps Attention, between decoder steps, state h(t-1), compute attention, output c(t)

  3. Both h(t-1) and c(t) is passed to decoder at step (t)

Luong Model:

  1. Encoder: unidirectional
  2. Attention Score: Bilinear function
  3. Attention Applied between decoder RNN State t and prediction for this step Attention is used after RNN decoder step (t), before prediction State h(t) used to compute attention, and output c(t) H(t) combined with c(t) to get updated representation h(t)

While – this is frequently used in papers. What is this? 1. Scores of relevance at each time step 2. Dynamically generated

Describing in plain english:

  1. Encoder is containing, with all source tokens
  2. And, what are they doing?
  3. Look at each other, update representations
  4. Decoder is doing, look at target token at current time step (t)
  5. Look at previous target token, look at source representation
  6. Update representation


Self-attention is a key-building block What’s the diff between self-attention vs attention? Huh, Well - self-attention operates between representation of same nature

Decoder-encoder attention is looking From: one current decoder state At: all encoder states Self-attention is looking From: each state from a set of states At: All other states in same set

Query, Key and Value in Self-Attention: QKV, is how we implement attention. Each input token, in self-attention receives three representation So- what do Q, K, V do? 1. Query : I Ask for an information 2. Key: I have some information 3. Value: I give you the information Query – Tokens look at each other Key – Respond to Query’s request Value – Compute Attention Output

Key idea to remember, “Compare Query with Keys” to get, “Scores/Weights” for, “Values” 1. Each Score/Weight is relevance between query, key 2. Reweigh values with scores/weights 3. Take summation of reweighed values Multi-head Attention

Multi-Head Attention:

The Building Block of Transformer Model: In order to understand a word in a sentence, It requires understanding, how is this word related in a sentence eg: “Na Veetuku Porae” [Tamil] to I am going to my house [English] Requires knowing, “Veetuku” word, on how is it related to other words in a sentence. So, Each word has relations So Intuitively, Multi-head attention, lets the model focus on many things.

So, we split queries, keys, values of single-head attention into several parts. In this way – model with one attention head or several of them, have same size.

Now for Transformer Model: Source: Lena Voita’s Blog

So, What does it do?

  1. Encoder – token communicates with each other
  2. Update Representation
  3. Decoder, target token look at previously generate target token
  4. Update Representation
  5. We have 6 layers Feed Forward Layer: The Model uses FFL to update new information

Residual Connections:

First time, I saw this - it was in Object detection papers. Why use it? Similar to skip-connection Stabilize the network Recall, when we have deeper neural networks, issues start ebbing out “Vanishing Gradient” - suddenly, the training drops to, “Zero” Imagine, you are in your house, lights are on, suddenly it becomes dark. That’s why, similar to Skip-connection, Residual connection

In Transformer:

Residuals used after Attention and Feed Forward Neural Network block Layer Normalization: Norm in Transformer “Add & Norm” is Layer Normalization

What does it do?

Well, it normalizes, vector representation in batches

So what? Well, We want to manage flow to next layer Layer normalization improves convergence stability and quality

  1. Normalize each vector representation of each token
  2. LayerNorm, has parameters - scale and bias

Positional Encoding:

Recall, we want some sort of representation for positions of tokens Convolutional Layers or Recurrence Layers They help to know position of tokens But, in Transformer, we do not have either, So, we need something for positional representation.

Two embedding are required:

Embedding, a way to translate words into magic vector form, so computers can understand 1) Tokens 2) Positions So, input representation of token is sum of two embeddings: Token and Positional

Pos is position. i is vector dimension. If you recall, trigonometry from your math teacher in high-school. Trigonometric functions are helpful to represent angles, position. How cool is it? Positional Encoding, represents wavelengths in geometric progression from 2∏ to 1000. 2∏. Think this way - a way to represent positions through angles So what? eg: “Room la fan poddu” [Tamil] translates, Switch on Fan [English] “poddu” can be break or to turn on. Positional Encoding, would help represent and retain both meanings.


What is it?

A way to divide sequence of words into small pieces Many types are there So, “Poddu” [Tamil] word has both turn on, and to break meaning 1. Word Level 2. Sub-word Level Word Level can only process fixed number of words, limited Subword level can process open vocabulary, and unknown words

Baby step High-level differences between Encoder-Decoder in Transformer: Encoder: 1. Multi-head Attention Decoder: 1. Masked Multi-head Attention 2. Scaled Dot-Product Attention Recall, Masked Self-attention means, future tokens are masked out.

Another way to explain, more picture focused (Attention Layer): GRU:

  1. Recall, GRU is specialized form of RNN
  2. GRU has two gates [reset, update]
  3. LSTM has three gates [input, output, forget] GRU, less complex than LSTM
  4. GRU, doesn’t have memory unit compared with LSTM

So in the picture, Encoder-Decoder, dominant form of architecture in Seq2Seq task, cool right? BiGRU, Bidirectional GRU, takes input in forward and other in backward direction Green Dots – Encoder Hidden State Red Dots – Decoder Hidden State Why do we need Hidden State? Squashing function, perform non-linear function in neural network Blue dots – Score Softmax – Sum of probability distribution equal to 1 Use Softmax only when in classifier, classes are mutually exclusive Alignment Vector – input at position j, and outputs at position i match Context Vector – Attention Score Source: [Teksands]

Scaled Dot Product Attention Score = (1/√n) (decoder state) (encoder state) Dot Product Attention: Score = (decoder state) (encoder state) Additive based Attention Score = (decoder state) (encoder state) = trainable weights Cosine Similarity based Attention: Score = (decoder state) (encoder state) / norm [(decoder state) (encoder state)] Source: [Teksands]


  1. Pre-trained Language Model from Google
  2. Most easy to use among all language models BERT lead into developments in
  3. GPT (Decoder Block)
  4. GPT-2 (Decoder Block)
  5. GPT-3 (Decoder Block) Where to start? “Attention is all you need” Paper: 📎 Tutorial: Harvard NLP Professor Stuart Shieber’s Blog 🧵


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